Whether you hear it called Agile, Scrum, Kanban, DevOps—or what we refer to as continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD)—the idea is generally the same: the continual monitoring and testin...
Technology services companies have been revolutionizing the way businesses carry out daily operations. With advancements in automation and artificial intelligence, companies are changing the ways they...
What is deep learning, & what are some examples of deep learning applications used in pharmaceuticals, finance, manufacturing, etc. Get the details from NITCO!...
Have you ever wondered how Twitter curates your timeline? Or how Netflix knows exactly which show to recommend for you? Well, the answer is a type of AI solution called machine learning. In this artic...
There are major benefits to chatbots for logistics, transportation, and supply chain management. See how your organization can streamline internal processes and reduce errors today....
We have been receiving a lot of interest lately from our clients regarding Chatbots, so this blog is written just for you. Read about how chatbots work and examples of them in action....
Learn from past examples the lessons and the value of Chatbots and conversational ai in public service....
When times are harder, resilience sets successful companies apart from the rest; pragmatic companies are those that understand the difference between reacting and adapting. In this article we discuss...
Robotic Process Automation is changing the way people work, but just hearing about its benefits isn't enough to get you started. In this article we will walk you through the first steps of identifying...